Thursday, December 05, 2013

New Artwork Soon!

Heyhey, guys!

Sorry for the lack of updates in.. uhm, ages... but you'll be seeing one large, massive update from me soon!

I kind of ran into a little artist trouble along the way.. y'know, that old friend, self doubt? Well I've been hanging out with some great artists recently, and have just been sketching and working along with them, either on my stuff, collabs, whatnot... and I just got humbled.

Meaning? I feel like my stuff isn't good enough right now, or not where it's supposed to be.  I don't think what I have is good enough juuust yet, but I've been drawing and practicing (and bleeding and sobbing a little) to get myself better.

Every artist is hard on his or her self, and sometimes we just have to be.  It's that little extra push that's going to help us out.  I'm not mad or disheartened that some people can draw or paint better than I can. It just solidifies my resolve to be better.

Some nights my sketches may look like shit, and some nights they may look better than anything I've put out.  But I'll never give up.

No one ever said being an artist and living off your art was easy.

But I want to thank-you all for the patience, and that you come back here to check what I've done! I can't believe I'm up to 12,000 page views! Seriously!

Free humjobs for all! :D

1 comment:

Stick said...

Your art is amazing. If I could draw even half as good as you I'd be so very excited for life.
But seriously now; you're right, no matter what profession we are in we artists all get down on ourselves sometimes. Just remember, you have fans for a reason! People love your artwork, and you will always be getting new fans. There is an art style for everyone these days. For every one person that thinks your work is sub-par, there will always be three other people that think it's the cat's pajamas.
Living off your art certainly isn't easy, in fact it's hard as hell. Most can't say that they love what they do and they do what they love. If you can, you're a lucky one.
I know that I'm not the only one thinking it, even if I'm the first one on here saying it; I support you and your art.
You're an amazing artist and an even better friend.
You can do it, Gusto!
<3 (^..^)~Stick